Monday, October 8, 2012

Science of Soccer

Learning More About Soccer check out Ronaldo!!


  1. Wow, Cristiano Ronaldo is a really good soccer player. His skill and the quick touches that he uses on the ball give him an advantage on the field. When he was versing Rodriguez in the sprinting/dodging high post, you could tell that he was better at dodging the high post better than sprinting; just as if they were defenders he were trying to dodge. The way he kicks his ball gives him an advantage to, because of the way he uses the inside of his foot to project the ball into the goal, but what i don't get is how the ball curved into the ball when it seemed like he kicked it straight into it. The part that i thought was most interesting was when Ronaldo was able to figure out where the ball would land in the darkness of the room, and still get the ball in the goal. I think he was able to do that because before the ball was kicked out towards him, when the lights went out, he was able to calculate where the ball might have landed, and tried to get to that spot. It's sort of like when someone takes a goal kick, or a thrown in; you have to anticipate where the ball is going to land, so you can get in front of it.If i were the goalie for the opposite side of Ronaldo's team, and he was to take a penalty kick, i would be scared. They call Ronaldo's kick a power kick because in the one match that i saw in the video, he was able to get the ball over the other side’s defenders, and almost in the goal. It's very interesting how and what Ronaldo's techniques are.-Lauren Kisare

  2. A lot of the tests that were preformed show how in detail how great of a soccer player Ronaldo is. In just 8 seconds he was able to do 13 tricks with his feet. You can see the main reason why he has such good ball control is that he uses every part of his foot. I learned from this video that when you're trying to dribble past a defender to not just look at the ball the whole time. Ronaldo looked at the opponents feet and the space to the left and right, so he knew where there would be spaces to get around. Now I want to try that in practice! I thought the test where they test how high he jumped was really cool too. by using his arm for momentum he was able to jump 78 cm off the ground! They said that's higher than most NBA players. That shows that using your arms helps you get higher in the air because when he had his hands at his hip, he was only able to jump 44 cm.

  3. Ronaldo is amazing.It is so interesting to see how such a fantastic player's body works. He was .3 seconds slower than a professional sprinter. He is so fast and he always rund his hardest whether he is on a soccer field or racing a sprinter. He always gives his best no matter what. This video teaches us so many helpful things. Such as, to use your arms to help you jump higher when heading a ball. Using small touches and looking for open space can help too. Also, to use your mind to help you in the game. To have confidence is the key to being a really good soccer player. The best part of the video by far was when he kicked the ball in the goal in the dark! Being able to execute a perfect header in the light is amazing, but being able to execute a pefect header in the dark, that is awe inspiring. Cristiano Ronaldo is a phenomenal athlete and we could learn a thing from him.

  4. Wow. He is really inspiring.This is teaching us that soccer is more than a physical test, you have to play smart and use your brain. Ronaldo knows the ball, and his body so well that he was able to anticipate the ball. This just goes to prove Mr, Nicholls point, that you do not have to look at the ball to know and be confident that you are doing the right thing. When they turned the lights out, Ronaldo was confident in himself and he succeeded. At tomorrow's game i will try and be like Ronaldo and anticipate the ball so i know exactly where to be at exactly the right time!

  5. This is from MIA

    ok so I think Ronaldo's foot skills are amazing!!!! It's like the ball just flows with him. He became the best from hardwork and strong dedication.

  6. Ronaldo is an awesome soccer player!! It was really interesting seeing the different tests he went through to see whats makes him such an amazing and untoutchable soccer player. Ronaldo knows the ball so well, even in pitch black he knew the general direction of where it would go. He managed to score all three times he was tested!!! Ronaldo is also a very smart player as well as a very skilled one. He is very confidedent and never gives up. Like when he was navigating through a course dodging lasers. I will try to be as confident as Cristiano Ronaldo in a game!

  7. @Sydney....You already displayed that talent and showed us what you can do today with that super solo effort that became your first goal for the team. Sydney...that is what we have been waiting for all season...small touches, fast turn of pace and simple execution of the final shot. It came together for you today and it was a great goal!

  8. It was super amazing when Ronaldo scored a goal in total darkness. He has SUPER mental ability. I think I know how the team won the game aganist Golda Och because the Ronaldo video inspired some of the teammates to work hard just like him. I was also one of the people who was inspired by Ronaldo too.

  9. Wow. This video was AMAZING! Watching it made me really want to improve my soccer skills. I thought it was really cool how Ronaldo could tell what the opponents next move was going to be based of the angle of his hips, knees, and ankles. I loved it when he scored in total darkness. That was truly unbelivable. I even tried hitting the ball with my shoulder in my back yard after watching the video, and it not nearly as easy as he makes it seem. I also enjoyed his penalty kicks. Not only did. Like learning that you can control the balls spin based on where you kick it, I also learned WHY it happens. That was nice because I didn't just learn that it happens, it was nice that I got an explanation, because it makes it easier to improve and fix it.

  10. Janes Comment:

    Ronaldo is an amazing player. He can do 13 moves in 8 seconds, that's crazy!! There were lots of cool test, but my favorite one was when Ronaldo broke glass because his power kick is so powerful. He converted a ball into the goal in pitch black! Another thing about his power kick is that when he hits the ball it curves just enough for the goalie to miss it. I wouldn't want to be that goalie!!! Instead of looking at the ball Ronaldo look at the defender's feet and hips to see where the opponent will go next. Ronaldo raced against Rodriguez, a sprinter. He lost in the straight line race because he sway and has smaller strides, but he won in the zig-zag race because in soccer you change direction quickly, so he was use to that. Ronaldo is an amazing player and if watch this video you will see why.
